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Nesting Birds

If you have a development project being undertaken during the bird nesting season (March – September) have you taken measures to stop nesting birds from delaying your project?

At Urban Hawks, we specialise in producing a mitigation plan to reduce the risk of nesting birds from your development.

All birds are protected under UK LEGISLATION. The Wildlife & Countryside act 1981 makes It is an offence to Kill or damage the nest or eggs of nesting birds. You could face a custodial sentence and be fined heavily if you have been found to do so.

Different birds also have different levels of protection and to ensure you stay compliant with legislation it is important that you seek the advice of a trained professional.

Urban Hawks Nesting Birds

Delayed Projects

Ground and roof nesting birds have brought major development projects to a stand still when no prevention measures had been taken to mitigate the risk. Once nesting birds have been identified they must not be disturbed until all chicks have fledged and nesting activity has ceased. This could be a number of months for some birds. Potentially this could mean penalties and costs well into the hundreds of thousands for developers if works over run.

With a little forward planning and talking to us this can be avoided.

How We Can Help

Bird mitigation work should be planned well in advance of the nesting season and project works due to the risk and resources required.
We will visit site and provide you with a detailed plan of works which will help prevent any project delays and associated costs.
Usually a combination of deterrent methods are used to keep birds off the area dependant on environment and potential risk birds.
We have years of experience in this field and have helped ensure some major developments have continued un-interrupted throughout the nesting season.
Contact us to assist in mitigating the risk to your planned development.
We can also provide the likes of audio and visual deterrents to dissuade birds from nesting within your development, allowing for the construction to continue as usual. We are able to provide many more methods that can deter the nesting habits of birds within an area, which we can discuss after a thorough walk-through of the build or area.

Contact Our Urban Hawks Team Today

If you are currently in the process of a construction or build that has been put on hold due to nesting or are concerned of the possibility of a bird nesting within your build, then get in touch with us at Urban Hawks today.

You can contact us via phone or email for further information on our services or advice on how to conduct an extraction of bird nests from any area. We specialise in all bird and pest control services, allowing you to continue with your day-to-day life.